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Why Your Hospital's Cleaning Choices May Be More Important Than You Realize

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A hospital must be more than just clean; it must be sanitary and in many areas, sterile in order for a patient to be healthy and to be treated safely. A hospital's janitorial staff and cleaning choices are often just as important as any other process or staff member in the hospital, for keeping surfaces clean during a patient visit and so that rooms and beds are ready for the next person who arrives.

While you may understand that your cleaning choices are important, you may be overlooking certain aspects of your hospital's janitorial service that may be affecting the health of your patients and your staff. Note the following.

1. Bacteria beyond the skin

One of the most dangerous forms of bacteria that may be found in a hospital setting is Staphylococcus aureus, which clings to the skin. However, today it's believed that the most dangerous forms of bacteria found in hospitals are those that cling to inorganic surfaces, such as computer keyboards, the privacy curtains in every room, bedrails, I.V. stands, and the like.

This is where the cleaning staff come into play when it comes to keeping your patients safe. They need to know all the areas of the room that get touched and ensure that nothing is overlooked, and that they use the right chemicals for removing such bacteria. It is not enough to simply wipe down the sinks and toilets in a room and change bed linens, but your cleaning staff must clean every area that is touched even by medical personnel, including the bedrails, monitoring equipment, and light switches. This is needed to stop the spread of infections and to remove harmful bacteria in each room.

2. Going green

The chemicals used to clean hospital rooms and equipment are often very harsh and very harmful for those who breathe in their fumes every day. This includes the hospital staff as well as the cafeteria staff and your janitors. Greener choices can mean a cleaner environment for patient as well as a safer environment for your staff.

As an example, rubber floors that only need to be cleaned with water and a buffer pad can be less harsh than vinyl floors which need new wax every few months. Wipes and other cleansers that don't use alcohol but non-toxic ingredients instead can mean fewer fumes and chemicals and in turn, a healthier staff. This too is why your cleaning choices should be considered carefully in a hospital setting.

Additionally, if you're one of the few that have carpets in your hospital it's important not to forget about them needing a professional cleaning every once in a while, through a company like Delron Carpet Cleaning Service, as carpets can hold on to harmful bacteria as well. 
